
Three Levels of ML Software

ML/AI is rapidly adopted by new applications and industries. As already been mentioned, the goal of a machine learning project is to build a statistical model by using collected data and applying machine learning algorithms. Yet building successful ML-based software projects is still difficult because every ML-based software needs to manage three main assets: Data, Model, and Code. Machine Learning Model Operationalization Management - MLOps, as a DevOps extension, establishes effective practices and processes around designing, building, and deploying ML models into production. We describe here essential technical methodologies, which are involved in the development of the Machine Learning-based software, namely Data Engineering, ML Model Engineering, and Software Release Engineering.

We recommend documenting everything you have learned in each step of the whole pipeline.

Data: Data Engineering Pipelines

We mentioned previously that the fundamental part of any machine learning workflow is Data. Collecting good data sets has a huge impact on the quality and performance of the ML model. The famous citation

“Garbage In, Garbage Out”,

in the machine learning context means that the ML model is only as good as your data. Therefore, the data, which has been used for training of the ML model, indirectly influence the overall performance of the production system. The amount and quality of the data set are usually problem-specific and can be empirically discovered.

Being an important step, data engineering is reported as heavily time-consuming. We might spend the majority of time on a machine learning project constructing data sets, cleaning, and transforming data.

The data engineering pipeline includes a sequence of operations on the available data. The final goal of these operations is to create training and testing datasets for the ML algorithms. In the following, we describe each stage of the data engineering pipeline such as Data Ingestion, Exploration and Validation, Data Wrangling (Cleaning), and Data Splitting.

Data Ingestion

Data Ingestion - Collecting data by using various systems, frameworks and formats, such as internal/external databases, data marts, OLAP cubes, data warehouses, OLTP systems, Spark, HDFS etc. This step might also include synthetic data generation or data enrichment The best practices for this step include the following actions that should be maximally automated:

Exploration and Validation

Exploration and Validation - Includes data profiling to obtain information about the content and structure of the data. The output of this step is a set of metadata, such as max, min, avg of values. Data validation operations are user-defined error detection functions, which scan the dataset to spot some errors. The validation is a process of assessing the quality of the data by running dataset validation routines (error detection methods). For example, for “address”-attributes, are the address components consistent? Is the correct postal code associated with the address? Are there missing values in the relevant attributes? The best practices for this step include the following actions:

Data Wrangling (Cleaning)

Data Wrangling (Cleaning) - Data preparation step where we programmatically wrangle data, e.g., by re-formatting or re-structuring particular attributes that might change the form of the data’s schema. We recommend writing scripts or functions for all data transformations in the data pipeline to re-use all these functionalities on future data.

Data Splitting

Data Splitting - Splitting the data into training (80 %), validation, and test datasets to be used during the core machine learning stages to produce the ML model.

Model: Machine Learning Pipelines

The core of the ML workflow is the phase of writing and executing machine learning algorithms to obtain an ML model. The model engineering pipeline is usually utilized by a data science team and includes a number of operations that lead to a final model. These operations include Model Training, Model Evaluation, Model Testing, and Model Packaging. We recommend automating these steps as much as possible.

Model Training

Model Training - The process of applying the machine learning algorithm on training data to train an ML model. It also includes feature engineering the hyperparameter tuning for the model training activity. The following list is adopted from “Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow” by Aurélien Géron

Model Evaluation

Model Evaluation - Validate the trained model to ensure it meets original business objectives before serving the ML model in production to the end-user.

Model Testing

Model Testing - Once the final ML model is trained, its performance needs to be measured by using the hold-back test dataset to estimate the generalization error by performing the final “Model Acceptance Test”.

Model Packaging

Model Packaging - The process of exporting the final ML model into a specific format (e.g. PMML, PFA, or ONNX), which describes the model to be consumed by the business application. We cover the ML model packaging in the part ‘ML Model serialization formats’ below.

Different forms of ML workflows

Operating an ML model might assume several architectural styles. In the following, we discuss four architectural patterns which are classified along two dimensions:

1. ML Model Training and

2. ML Model Prediction

Please note that for the sake of simplicity, we disregard the third dimension 3. ML Model Type, which denotes the type of machine learning algorithm such as supervised, unsupervised, semisupervised, and Reinforcement Learning.

There are two ways how we perform ML Model Training:

  1. Offline learning (aka batch or static learning): The model is trained on a set of already collected data. After deploying to the production environment, the ML model remains constant until it re-trained because the model will see a lot of real-live data and becomes stale. This phenomenon is called ‘model decay’ and should be carefully monitored.
  2. Online learning (aka dynamic learning): The model is regularly being re-trained as new data arrives, e.g. as data streams. This is usually the case for ML systems that use time-series data, such as sensor, or stock trading data to accommodate the temporal effects in the ML model.

The second dimension is ML Model Prediction, which denotes the mechanics of the ML model to makes predictions. Here we also distinguish two modes:

  1. Batch predictions: The deployed ML model makes a set of predictions based on historical input data. This is often sufficient for data that is not time-dependent, or when it is not critical to obtain real-time predictions as output.
  2. Real-time predictions (aka on-demand predictions): Predictions are generated in real-time using the input data that is available at the time of the request.

After identifying these two dimensions, we can classify the operationalization of machine learning models into four ML architecture patterns:

ML Workflows

Figure source

In the following, we present a description of the model architectural patterns such as Forecast, Web-Service, Online Learning, and AutoML.


This type of machine learning workflow is widely spread in academic research or data science education (e.g., Kaggle or DataCamp). This form is used to experiment with ML algorithms and data as it is the easiest way to create a machine learning system. Usually, we take an available dataset, train the ML model, then run this model on another (mostly historical) data, and the ML model makes predictions. This way, we output a forecast. This ML workflow is not very useful and, therefore, not common in an industry setting for production systems (e.g. mobile applications).


The most commonly described deployment architecture for ML models is a web service (microservise). The web service takes input data and outputs a prediction for the input data points. The model is trained offline on historical data, but it uses real-live data to make predictions. The difference from a forecast (batch predictions) is that the ML model runs near real-time and handles a single record at a time instead of processing all the data at once. The web service uses real-time data to make predictions, but the model remains constant until it is re-trained and re-deployed into the production system.

The figure below illustrates the architecture for wrapping trained models as deployable services. Please note, we discuss methods for wrapping trained ML models as deployable services in the Deployment Strategies Section.

Web Service Pattern

Online Learning

The most dynamic way to embed machine learning into a production system is to implement online learning, which is also known as real-time streaming analytics. Please note that online learning can be a confusing name because the core learning or ML model training is usually not performed on the live system. We should call it incremental learning; however, the term online learning is already established within the ML community.

In this type of ML workflow, the ML learning algorithm is continuously receiving a data stream, either as single data points or in small groups called mini-batches. The system learns about new data on the fly as it arrives, so the ML model is incrementally being re-trained with new data. This continually re-trained model is instantly available as a web service.

Technically, this type of ML system works well with the lambda architecture in big data systems. Usually, the input data is a stream of events, and the ML model takes the data as it enters the system, provides predictions and re-learns on these new data. The model would typically run as a service on a Kubernetes cluster or similar.

A big difficulty with the online learning system in production is that if bad data is entering the system, the ML model, as well as the whole system performance, will increasingly decline.

Online Learning ML System

Figure Source


An even more sophisticated version of online learning is automated machine learning or AutoML.

AutoML is getting a lot of attention and is considered the next advance for enterprise ML. AutoML promises training ML models with minimal effort and without machine learning expertise. The user needs to provide data, and the AutoML system automatically selects an ML algorithm, such as neural network architecture, and configures the selected algorithm.

Instead of updating the model, we execute an entire ML model training pipeline in production that results in new models on the fly. For now, this is a very experimental way to implement ML workflows. AutoML is usually provided by big cloud providers, such as Google or MS Azure. However, models build with AutoML need to reach the level of accuracy required for real-world success.

Further reading

ML Model serialization formats

There are various formats to distribute ML models. In order to achieve a distributable format, the ML model should be present and should be executable as an independent asset. For example, we might want to use a Scikit-learn model in a Spark job. This means that the ML models should work outside of the model-training environment. In the following, we describe Language-agnostic and Vendor-specific exchange formats for ML models.

Language-agnostic exchange formats

Source: Open Standard Models

Vendor-specific exchange formats

The following Table summarizes all ML model serialization formats:

​ ​
Open-Format Vendor File Extension License ML Tools & Platforms Support Human-readable Compression
PMML DMG .pmml AGPL R, Python, Spark (XML)
PFA DMG JSON PFA-enabled runtime (JSON)
.onnx TF, CNTK, Core ML, MXNet, ML.NET
TF Serving Format Google .pf Tensor Flow g-zip
Pickle Format .pkl scikit-learn g-zip
JAR/ POJO .jar H2O
HDF .h5 Keras
MLEAP .jar/ .zip Spark, TF, scikit-learn g-zip
Torch Script .pt PyTorch
Apple .mlmodel Apple .mlmodel TensorFlow, scikit-learn, Core ML

Further reading:

Code: Deployment Pipelines

The final stage of delivering an ML project includes the following three steps:

  1. Model Serving - The process of deploying the ML model in a production environment.
  2. Model Performance Monitoring - The process of observing the ML model performance based on live and previously unseen data, such as prediction or recommendation. In particular, we are interested in ML-specific signals, such as prediction deviation from previous model performance. These signals might be used as triggers for model re-training.
  3. Model Performance Logging - Every inference request results in a log-record.

In the following, we discuss Model Serving Patterns and Model Deployment Strategies.

Model Serving Patterns

Three components should be considered when we serve an ML model in a production environment. The inference is the process of getting data to be ingested by a model to compute predictions. This process requires a model, an interpreter for the execution, and input data.

Deploying an ML system to a production environment includes two aspects, first deploying the pipeline for automated retraining and ML model deployment. Second, providing the API for prediction on unseen data.

Model serving is a way to integrate the ML model in a software system. We distinguish between five patterns to put the ML model in production: Model-as-Service, Model-as-Dependency, Precompute, Model-on-Demand, and Hybrid-Serving. Please note that the above-described model serialization formats might be used for any of the model serving patterns.

The following taxonomy shows these approaches:

Machine Learning Model Serving Taxonomy
  ML Model
Service & Versioning Together with the consuming application Independent from the consuming application
Compile/ Runtime Availabilty Build & runtime available Available remotely through REST API/RPC Available at the runtime scope
Serving Patterns "Model-as-Dependency" "Model-as-Service" "Precompute" and "Model on Demand"
Hybrid Model Serving (Federated Learning)  

Now, we present the serving patterns to productionize the ML model such as Model-as-Service, Model-as-Dependency, Precompute, Model-on-Demand, and Hybrid-Serving.


Model-as-Service is a common pattern for wrapping an ML model as an independent service. We can wrap the ML model and the interpreter within a dedicated web service that applications can request through a REST API or consume as a gRPC service.

This pattern can be used for various ML workflows, such as Forecast, Web Service, Online Learning.

Model as Service Pattern

Figure Source


Model-as-Dependency is probably the most straightforward way to package an ML model. A packaged ML model is considered as a dependency within the software application. For example, the application consumes the ML model like a conventional jar dependency by invoking the prediction method and passing the values. The return value of such method execution is some prediction that is performed by the previously trained ML model. The Model-as-Dependency approach is mostly used for implementing the Forecast pattern.

Model as Dependency

Precompute Serving Pattern

This type of ML model serving is tightly related to the Forecast ML workflow. With the Precompute serving pattern, we use an already trained ML model and precompute the predictions for the incoming batch of data. The resulting predictions are persisted in the database. Therefore, for any input request, we query the database to get the prediction result.

Precompute Serving Pattern

Further reading: Bringing ML to Production (Slides)


The Model-on-Demand pattern also treats the ML model as a dependency that is available at runtime. This ML model, contrary to the Model-as-Dependency pattern, has its own release cycle and is published independently.

The message-broker architecture is typically used for such on-demand model serving. The message-broker topology architecture pattern contains two main types of architecture components: a broker component and an event processor component. The broker component is the central part that contains the event channels that are utilised within the event flow. The event channels, which are enclosed in the broker component, are message queues. We can imagine such architecture containing input- and output-queues. A message broker allows one process to write prediction-requests in an input queue. The event processor contains the model serving runtime and the ML model. This process connects to the broker, reads these requests in batch from the queue and sends them to the model to make the predictions. The model serving process runs the prediction generation on the input data and writes the resulted predictions to the output queue. Afterwards, the queued prediction results are pushed to the prediction service that initiated the prediction request.

Model on Demand

Further reading:

Hybrid-Serving (Federated Learning)

Federated Learning, also known as hybrid-serving, is another way of serving a model to the users. It is unique in the way it does, there is not only one model that predicts the outcome, but there are also lots of it. Exactly spoken there are as many models as users exist, in addition to the one that’s held on a server. Let us start with the unique model, the one on the server. The model on the server-side is trained only once with the real-world data. It sets the initial model for each user. Also, it is a relatively general trained model so it fits for the majority of users. On the other side, there are the user-side models, which are the real unique models. Due to the raising hardware standards on mobile devices, it is possible for the devices to train their own models. Like that the devices will train their own highly specialized model for their own user. Once in a while, the devices send their already trained model data (not the personal data) to the server. There the server model will be adjusted, so the actual trends of the whole user community will be covered by the model. This model is set to be the new initial model that all devices are using. For not having any downsides for the users, while the server model gets updated, this happens only when the device is idle, connected to WiFi and charging. Also, the testing is done on the devices, therefore the newly adopted model from the server is sent to the devices and tested for functionality.

The big benefit of this is that the data used for training and testing, which is highly personal, never leaves the devices while still capturing all data that is available. This way it is possible to train highly accurate models while not having to store tons of (probably personal) data in the cloud. But there is no such thing as a free lunch, normal machine learning algorithms are built with homogeneously and large datasets on powerful hardware which is always available for training. With Federated Learning there are other circumstances, the mobile devices are less powerful, the training data is distributed across millions of devices and these are not always available for training. Exactly for this TensorFlow Federated (TFF) has been created. TFF is a lightweight form of TensorFlow created for Federated Learning.

Federated Learning

Figure Source

Deployment Strategies

In the following, we discuss common ways for wrapping trained models as deployable services, namely deploying ML models as Docker Containers to Cloud Instances and as Serverless Functions.

Deploying ML Models as Docker Containers

As of now, there is no standard, open solution to ML model deployment. As ML model inference being considered stateless, lightweight, and idempotent, containerization becomes the de-facto standard for delivery. This means we deploy a container that wraps an ML model inference code. For on-premise, cloud, or hybrid deployments, Docker is considered to be de-facto standard containerization technology.

One ubiquitous way is to package the whole ML tech stack (dependencies) and the code for ML model prediction into a Docker container. Then Kubernetes or an alternative (e.g. AWS Fargate) does the orchestration. The ML model functionality, such as prediction, is then available through a REST API (e.g. implemented as Flask application)

Docker Infrastructure for Model Deployment

Deploying ML Models as Serverless Functions

Various cloud vendors already provide machine-learning platforms, and you can deploy your model with their services. Examples are Amazon AWS Sagemaker, Google Cloud AI Platform, Azure Machine Learning Studio, and IBM Watson Machine Learning, to name a few. Commercial cloud services also provide containerization of ML models such as AWS Lambda and Google App Engine servlet host.

In order to deploy an ML model as a serverless function, the application code and dependencies are packaged into .zip files, with a single entry point function. This function then could be managed by major cloud providers such as Azure Functions, AWS Lambda, or Google Cloud Functions. However, attention should be paid to possible constraints of the deployed artifacts such as the size of the artifact.

Serverless Infrastructure for Model Deployment